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The Hycroft Mine is located in the Sulfur Mining District, 54 miles west of Winnemucca, and straddles Humboldt and Pershing counties, in Nevada. The mine is accessible year-round via Nevada State Route 49 (Jungo Road) and encompasses approximately 64,000 acres, including both patented and unpatented claims.

Gold Mineral Resources at Hycroft are estimated to be 10.6 million ounces of Measured & Indicated (“M&I”) and 3.4 million ounces of Inferred.

Silver Mineral Resources are estimated to be 361.0 million ounces of Measured & Indicated and 96.0 million ounces of Inferred.

See Technical Report below for details.

Hycroft has a long and successful history of oxide heap leaching operations. Today, the company is focused on completing the technical studies to transition Hycroft into a large-scale milling operation for processing the sulfide ore.

The Hycroft mine is permitted for both heap leach and milling operations and currently has extensive infrastructure on site including crushing facilities, leach pad capacity, and two Merrill Crowe plants with refinery.

In addition, the Company is engaged in a robust exploration drill program, applying a first principles approach to the historic Hycroft Mine to discover the district's untapped potential. It is the Company's belief that the high-grade feeder zone has not yet been discovered and that new discoveries outside the known resource are yet to be made. Learn more...

Technical Report

In March 2023, Hycroft completed an Initial Assessment on the Hycroft Mine.

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